Sunday, 31 March 2013

As the mess slowly clears....a house begins to emerge....

The rubbish has gone and suddenly the back of the house looks huge! It's so exciting that the house is starting to take shape now, the builder still has some work to do but is off for Easter this week so it won't be done until next week. Now all we need is some doors in the hole and I'll sleep a lot easier!

Saturday, 23 March 2013


It is a tad worrying when there is a mahousive hole in the back of your house and it begins to is starting to take shape though...only about a week left until the builder is has been 7 weeks so far....

Friday, 22 March 2013

Spring has sprung!!

All our hard work planting bulbs and grass seed is starting to pay off :)

No Need For Keys!!

We messed around trying to locate a key for the back door....turns out there was no need....excuse the mess....and the 6.20am delivery...! Haha.